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Erasmus + Trip to Brussels - 2AK

Graz and Eger in Brussels - an Erasmus+ project

2AK Gruppenfoto
2AK Gruppenfoto 2

After nearly a year of detailed preparation and two EU themed online days, the much-anticipated Brussels trip for the 2AK class finally took place. Despite thorough planning, the journey did not go as seamlessly as initially hoped. We knew the 19-hour train ride would be exhausting, but due to unexpected delays, our journey stretched to almost 24 hours. Although this could be considered a setback, we enjoyed spending time together as a class, engaging in conversations and playing games. It became a bonding experience that brought us closer in ways we hadn’t expected. So, despite the inconveniences, we managed to make the best of the situation. The two-and-a-half-day trip to Brussels was certainly too short to explore every angle of the beautiful city. After the long train journey, we finally met the Hungarian group we had been communicating with via Teams. Everyone was exhausted by this point, but the principal from the Hungarian school organized the meeting so efficiently that it was a pleasure to be there, even though we all wanted some rest. We had a structured agenda that included a visit to the Museum of European History, which many considered the highlight of our trip. In the time between our museum visit and our tour of the European Parliament, we had some free time to shop, grab a snack, or explore the city. The food in Brussels was fantastic, offering a rich variety of flavors that we all enjoyed. Visiting the European Parliament was also a major experience, providing a deeper understanding of how the European Union operates. We were fascinated by the complexity of the translation process and how important it is for the EU to ensure that people can communicate in their own languages, even if only 97% of the content can be accurately translated. On our last day we went to the Parlamenatarium, where we also discovered many facts about the European Union. We had time to look through everything at our own pace which made this a great experience for everyone. Afterwards we were allowed to explore the inner city more, until our train would leave back to Vienna. To conclude, we want to thank our teachers who accompanied us. Merci beaucoup Mr. Luger and Ms. Brunnhofer, for your excellent organization, making this trip possible despite the challenges. All in all, we had an amazing week, where we were able to escape the stress that school has caused recently and simply enjoy our time as a class. I think I speak for everyone when I say we wish we could go back.

Coban Leyla & Anastasia Raß